Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Bishop (Double-haiku)

To see what man is
born to, a Bishop should: eat,
sleep—and, above all:

work–, as his enslaved
brethren  does! Then he’d learn
and then, he can preach.


Note:  The author for a good portion of his early life worked in foundries, factories, fast-food, and construction; during the second part of his life he worked as a soldier for a decade, along with being in a war (Vietnam); and then as a professional counselor (Psychology); now as a poet and writer, which he started at the age of 12, and somehow maintained on the side intermittently writing whenever he could, all his life until the forth part of his life allowed him to write full time.   Thus, he walks the walk, not simply talking the talk. Even God, in the form of Jesus Christ did this: walk the walk.


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