Huagapo Grotto (The Largest Grotto in South América - Tarma Peru)

((Gruta de Huagapo (Peru))
By Dennis L. Siluk
The Mother Grotto
Massive walls of stone left beautifully from a past age.
Images appear over the slim river, images with a thousand
Pivoting, rushing sounds of water, a million gallons
sweep through this endless dirt, rock floor.
One can feel a new unease, deep in the pits of this grotto.
Granite images flutter overhead, death
shadows are coming, hanging
like long knots of wild energy,
they twist in triumph.
Now the time comes to look into the dark-tunnels,
the long past, it scuffles my brain;
I leap down into its nostril,
now, now I climb up with a rope on the other side
to the mouth of the dead,
look inside this dying hollow, my guide holds my hand,
By Dennis L. Siluk
The Mother Grotto
Massive walls of stone left beautifully from a past age.
Images appear over the slim river, images with a thousand
Pivoting, rushing sounds of water, a million gallons
sweep through this endless dirt, rock floor.
One can feel a new unease, deep in the pits of this grotto.
Granite images flutter overhead, death
shadows are coming, hanging
like long knots of wild energy,
they twist in triumph.
Now the time comes to look into the dark-tunnels,
the long past, it scuffles my brain;
I leap down into its nostril,
now, now I climb up with a rope on the other side
to the mouth of the dead,
look inside this dying hollow, my guide holds my hand,
(to keep my balance) there is little time for talk,
my wife, and two other companions, wait across the empty pit,
I am, now…inside of its mouth, thinking:
‘…why did God created this?’
In here seasons never change, the pillars of stone,
shapeup like trees,
and the domes overhead, drip ice water, like
leaky teeth…!
Down in the pools of water, fish heads splash,
then jump deeper, their tails swirl, and they hide
in the shallow reeds, foliage, and rocks….
Old Man I say: ‘Grab the moment!’
No: 2045 11-8-07 ((Partly written 3-hours (5:00 PM, in a car) after visiting the largest grotto in South America, Huagapo; the rest of this poem was written when I got home to my apartment, about 7:00 PM, in Huancayo, Peru; the grotto being about 150-miles away.))
my wife, and two other companions, wait across the empty pit,
I am, now…inside of its mouth, thinking:
‘…why did God created this?’
In here seasons never change, the pillars of stone,
shapeup like trees,
and the domes overhead, drip ice water, like
leaky teeth…!
Down in the pools of water, fish heads splash,
then jump deeper, their tails swirl, and they hide
in the shallow reeds, foliage, and rocks….
Old Man I say: ‘Grab the moment!’
No: 2045 11-8-07 ((Partly written 3-hours (5:00 PM, in a car) after visiting the largest grotto in South America, Huagapo; the rest of this poem was written when I got home to my apartment, about 7:00 PM, in Huancayo, Peru; the grotto being about 150-miles away.))
Spanish Version
((Gruta de Huagapo (Peru))
La Madre Gruta
Enormes paredes de piedra legadas perfectamente de una edad pasada.
Imágenes aparecen sobre el río delgado, imágenes con unas mil
Arrollando, sonidos de torrentes de agua, un millón de galones
barre a través de este interminable piso de tierra y rocas.
Se puede sentir una nueva inquietud, honda en los hoyos de esta gruta.
Imágenes de granito se agitan por encima, las sombras
de muerte están viniendo, colgadas
como nudos largos de energía desenfrenada,
ellas se retuercen en triunfo.
Ahora el tiempo viene para examinar los túneles oscuros,
el pasado largo, ataca mi cerebro;
salto abajo en las ventanas de su nariz,
ahora, ahora subo arriba con una soga al otro lado
a la boca de los muertos,
miro dentro de este hoyo agonizante, mi guía sostiene mi mano,
(para mantener mi equilibrio) hay poco tiempo para hablar,
mi esposa, y otros dos compañeros, esperan al otro lado del hueco vacío,
estoy, ahora...dentro de su boca, pensando:
“... ¿porqué Dios creó esto?”
¡Aquí las estaciones nunca cambian, los pilares de piedras,
en forma de árboles,
y de los domos por encima, gotean agua helada, como
dientes goteando...!
Abajo en las pozas de agua, cabezas de pescado chapotean,
luego saltan más profundo, sus colas se arremolinan, y ellos se esconden
en las aguas poco profundas, en los follaje, y rocas...
Viejo, digo: “¡Aprovecha el momento!”
# 2045 (8-Noviembre-2007 (Escrito en parte--3 horas—5:00 de la tarde, en un carro) después de visitar la gruta más grande en Sudamérica, Huagapo; el resto de este poema fue escrito cuando llegué a casa a eso de las 7:00 de la noche, en Huancayo, Perú; la gruta estaba aproximadamente a 150 millas de distancia.))
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