Thursday, May 10, 2012

St. Joseph’s Shame (A poem)

Saint Joseph was ashamed he wasn’t a better father, 
to have allowed his Son to be born in a stable—
Yet, it was more important to know his Son was safe, fed, sheltered, and loved!

In a like manner, I was ashamed not being able to
have been with my sons, during my recovering—
Yet, it was more important to know they were safe,
fed, and sheltered!

They were always loved, even if they didn’t feel it!

#3338 (4-1-2012)
For Cody, Shawn and Zaneta

Strangers to their Fathers (A Biblical Prophecy Comes True)

If time was a measurement, than all that lives today, can reap what was prophesized, two-thousand years ago—for I have lived it,
But removed out of its sight—
And now the world lives with it, especially the United States.
But elsewhere, Peru I see it a lot…
(they have even come to the point of allowing their children
to do whatever they want, so they’ll not live, and wonder off).
The hate of parents, the hatred for parents;
“I hate my parents” they say, whisper, think.
This bitterness one does not outgrow
It is like stone, mortal enemies of flesh blood and bone…!
It must be neutralized, naturally…
Real hatred, it is a silence, where dying can be bitter.
It is prophesized in the Bible: that in the latter days,
Parents will be betrayed, unwanted, hated by their children.
The venom for parents will be strong, hypocrisy pounds.
Thus, it becomes easy to hate, where there is so little love.
Parents will die a thousand deaths because of betrayal.

A boy and his father, we are still young
Joyfully laboring to make a home, find a house!
Endlessly enduring…fire destroys the abode!
Yet I keep on teaching the way of Christ!
Stopping all one’s addictions to make a life:
To show the children, what is right—!
Bent to the books; throat for throat, fighting with the devil,
To become more than what fate had bestowed…!
Yet in due time, prophecy foretold, will take hold.
Sons and daughters, strangers to their mothers and fathers:
This is my legacy…
This is love restrained, it is painful, but it is real!
And who can we blame? That’s the name of the Game!

“A wise son maketh glad his father…”  Proverbs 15:20
“For God commanded saying, Honor thy father and mother…” Matthew 15

#3350 (5-9-2012)
Dedicated to S, C & Z

I do believe the Holy Spirit is going to heal and restore many children back to their parents, bringing them together, I am not sure if this is my fate, but  this is of course, my wish, if only they will heed the call of the Spirit. Shattered hearts are hard to mend, especially the despair and confusion they’ve endured. 

Blood and Moon Haze (A Prophecy in the Making)

I think of you as a great Divine King, your throne is of gold and pearl!
As you look down from your throne room, past our moon of stone
And high walls, to block the sun—I see on the horizon blood and haze
Not far beyond, in this cosmic dream…
Yet you are merciful—yet I see you will soon send death to the world
And little, to no eternal peace—
Thus I see the greatest earthquake that could ever be laboring 
To strike out, throughout the United States—pale as an out of breath
Hunchback, shuffling within a labyrinth to escape; thus, mankind
Will be frozen with fear awakening in the middle of night
Awaiting the aftershocks, tremors, daily, under fear and dismay…
The massive earthquake with stretch the United States
So the papers read throughout the world: Asia will be stunned! 
Its newspaper readers…I see them, one by one, clustered, under the sun!
Miraculously stunned at what God has done! And they can even hear
Death tapping at every door ten-thousand miles away;
And only you with the keys to the vault my Lord of Lords—
You are the arbiter.

The fates of Europe and Asia—will also see the blood, and moon
Haze, signs in the heavens, in the cosmos; hence, the moon will
Turn red causing periods of darkness over earth’s surface and for you…
You the meanest minds of time, and the cunning, the dirt of the
World, they will come for—
The opulent treacherous demons, harlots, the great promise, Death!
Your cousin the devil, he is here and he is coming to your door—
And Death behind him, will mourn no more…!
And to whom men turn, Christ warns!
There will be an earth shake, triggering numerous earthquakes—
And the scientist will not be able to explain,
Only supernatural intervention can.
Look for the blood and moon haze!
Millions will parish, the pale saints, the lions in the desert, Wall Street!
And the eagle will fly with one wing…God willing!
And if we do not turn and bow down our heads, no one will be fed;
Death will straggle with tricks and cunning, with scorched lands
And dread. Gold and silver will buy no bread, only land will be valued:
And therefore, all I need to say has been said.

#3349 (5-9-2012)

Note: In the book “The Last Trumpet and the Woodbridge Demon” 2002, the author writes about the visions he had in 1984. Many have come true, and now he writes his poem of the one yet to come, that he foresaw in one of his visions, a reminder, they are not all fulfilled. He says “I do not need to account for my visions, they have all come to pass, and so will this one, so don’t ask for justification, the results have proven them correct.”

Review of the Author’s Work

“For those readers that might be interested, much of Dr. Siluk’s poetry is done in semi classic narration; that is to say, in a constructive format that describes a sequence of events, or recounts one.  An example might be an epic or a poem that tells a condensed story of a heroic deed or event.  Thus, it becomes clearer for the reader, whereas much poetry today—each word, and each image has several meanings, so thick it has layers of synonyms, consequently, making it harder for the reader to  make out where the poet wants to take him or her. In Dr. Siluk’s poetry, this is seldom done for clarity sake, and readability, so it can reach the bigger audience without having to carry a dictionary or thesaurus around.
      I can say on another positive note, the Poet, Dr. Siluk some of his works can be considered reminiscent of ancient Greek Poets, or writings, such as “Victory the Mad,” “The Fifth Moon,” “The Lost Millennium,” “Conte de Green Knight,” or the “Soldiers of Nirut,” among many more, epic style poems.
       In addition to his many styles used in his over 3300-poems (among sonnets, haikus etc), he uses Poetic Prose, blank and short verse, more often than not. He also has inferred on certain occasions, ‘Metered verse is not necessarily a fundamental part poetry, nor does poetry have to have meter in it: a flow yes. In fact, meter was forced upon poetry by man, thus, it is not natural.”’

Book Review: Finnegans Wake

“Finnegans Wake,” I can tell you what it is all about in a nutshell; I mean people have been trying for seventy-years to figure it out, it’s obvious, so very, very obvious: first of all you have to be Irish, like me to understand it, it is a drunkard writing down his memoirs in a half daze when he comes home from the bar.  James Joyce, outlined this in “Dubliners,” one need only look at Mr. Farrington, in “Counterparts,” where the narrator says (Joyce):  “…his head was not clear and his mind wandered away to the glare and rattle…he struggled on with his copy…Blast it! …He longed to execrate aloud, to bring his fist down on something violently. He was so enraged that he wrote Bernard Bernard instead of Bernard Bodley…” We see in Finnegans Wake, this same fellow, Mr. Farrington, hard at work on Mr. Joyce’s manuscript. Realizing he spent seventeen years on this project, it is sad to say—too bad he didn’t take a lesson from Mr. Farrington’s boss Mr. Alleyne; he should have gone back to writing Chamber Music, poems, or those poems in that little booklet called: “Penyeach,” which I think, Mr. Farrington penned the name, yet they read so charmingly.
       Let me quote a sentence from Finnegans Wake, and then you’ll understand why the book has not sold well, and never will, but first let me say this: I do realize  the book was written in what is called stream of conscious, and it really goes beyond that.  It is of a family, and the father or husband, is sleeping, I guess, and he has two sons, I guess, and a daughter, I guess, and a wife that would like him to wakeup I guess, and go for a walk I guess, and I do realize that there is possible a dream going on here, and he has created his own language here, in all 600-plus pages, and that the essence of the book is not the plot, theme or insight, because it hasn’t any, so it must be the rhythm of nonsense that it is weaved out of. So with this understanding let me quote a readable sentence? “Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing bedoneen the jebel and the jpysian sea. Cropherb the crunch-bracken shall decide.” Now realizing the man is sleeping, the father, let’s not use character names, since each character has a thousand names—different names on different pages to include the wife and the twin boys: I repeat, the person sleeping, is dreaming, or half  sleeping, and I think is dreaming.  Dreams are not like this, although they are chaotic, they are not as hideous, nor do they talk at night in such a way (Joyce uses this, or infers it is Night Talk; that day talk or thinking is different than the night, I think in Mr. Joyce’s world, night really means drunk talking and thinking…) as he writes them out here, in sentences as you’ve already read, it only gets more confusing, and you have to lean his language. To read and understand one whole page takes your entire mind and soul, and good decipherment, is it worth the trip—no!  
       On another note, this is no reconstruction of night of the soul talk or a dream state, so Joyce would have one believe. Incidentally, there is a letter that seems to swing from one section of the book to the next; it’s like a wiggly tooth, good for nothing, not sure why it is even there. And his puns were expensive for book that makes no sense. Perhaps it is better to relate the book to his family, than to anything else.